Caregiver / Home Health Aide

Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Program & Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Program & Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Program is a vital service aimed at helping individuals with disabilities and the elderly transition from institutional care facilities, such as nursing homes, back into community living. This program is part of the broader Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program and is specifically designed to offer individuals greater independence, freedom, and a higher quality of life. The NHTD waiver provides a variety of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each participant, helping them maintain their independence while receiving support and care in their homes or community settings.

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Who is Eligible for NHTD?

To qualify for the NHTD Waiver Program, individuals must:

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Services Provided by NHTD Waiver Program

The NHTD Waiver offers a wide range of services aimed at enabling participants to live independently in the community. Some of these services include:

  • Service Coordination: Ensuring that participants receive the necessary services and supports.
  • Assistive Technology: Providing devices and equipment to help individuals perform tasks they otherwise may not be able to.
  • Community Integration Counseling: Support services to help individuals adjust to life in the community.
  • Home and Community Support Services: Providing personal care assistance to help with daily living activities.
  • Home Modifications: Making necessary alterations to a participant’s home to ensure accessibility and safety.
  • Nutritional Counseling/Education: Helping participants maintain a healthy diet that meets their unique medical needs.
  • Peer Mentoring: Matching participants with peers who have successfully transitioned to community living.
  • Structured Day Program: Providing meaningful activities in a structured setting to promote community involvement.
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver Program

The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver Program provides critical services to individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, helping them avoid institutionalization and enabling them to live independently in their communities. This program is designed for people who need long-term support but do not require care in a nursing home or other institutional setting. The TBI Waiver offers a wide array of services tailored to meet the needs of individuals with TBI, allowing them to live independently while receiving essential care and support.

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Who is Eligible for the TBI Waiver Program?

Eligibility for the TBI Waiver includes:

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Services Provided by the TBI Waiver

Similar to the NHTD Waiver, the TBI Waiver offers services to help individuals maintain their independence. These services include:

  • Service Coordination: Ensures participants receive comprehensive and continuous care.
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation: Helps individuals regain cognitive functions lost due to brain injury.
  • Community Integration Counseling: Supports individuals as they reintegrate into the community.
  • Structured Day Programs: Offers activities to help participants engage in meaningful community involvement.
  • Assistive Technology: Provides tools and devices that aid in daily living tasks.
  • Home Modifications: Adjusts living spaces to ensure they are accessible and safe.
  • Respite Services: Offers caregivers temporary relief from their caregiving responsibilities.
  • Peer Mentoring: Connects participants with peers who have successfully transitioned to independent living.
  • Environmental Modifications: Ensures that participants’ homes are adapted to meet their needs.
  • Independent Living Skills Training: Provides participants with skills to live independently.